Thursday, April 08, 2004

“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would astound ourselves.”
– Thomas Alva Edison

In Edison’s laboratory there was a very large cabinet. This cabinet contained all of the various chemicals that Edison and his assistants used in their research. All types of chemicals were in that cabinet. Many chemicals could be found in different strengths or concentrations. There were over 300 bottles in all.

Only one person was allowed into the cabinet. Out of a lab of several people, only one person was allowed to take anything out, or put anything into the cabinet. That person was Thomas Edison.


Not one of the over 300 bottles were labeled. Thomas Edison just “knew” what was in each bottle. He didn’t need to label the bottles because he was able to keep track of the contents of all those bottles. Keep in mind that in addition, he patented more inventions than anyone else in history.

I think that’s pretty astounding…
for what its worth


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