Tuesday, May 17, 2005

“A journey of a thousand miles starts with an argument over how to load the car.”

I know it has been a while since my last original posting. I’ve been very busy. I’ve also had a very difficult time trying to decide what I should write next. There have been so many thoughts running through my mind I couldn’t decide where to begin. Then I found this quote and it seemed a logical “next step.”

In a recent posting I talked about the Robert Frost quote of taking the path less traveled. I have decided to stop arguing about how to load the car and basically jumped in and started driving. In my journey I have already made a couple of unplanned pit stops, but I am making progress. There might be a more effective route, but I’m learning as I go and hoping that eventually I’ll get there. Maybe that is why the journey takes a thousand miles – as we travel we learn more efficient and effective ways to travel.

I recently received an email from a former student who is quitting her job to go back to school full-time and work towards her goal of starting her own business. Sounds like another person has stopped arguing about how to load the car and has hit the road. I’m proud of this woman and everyone else who has the courage to make the journey.

How about you? Are you still arguing about how to load the car? Are you still arguing and worrying about little things that are keeping you from making the journey? Or are you actually making the journey.

For what its worth I think there are too many people who are content to argue about how to load the car. There are not enough people making the journey.

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