“Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.” – Plato
Fortunately for us, some very great people understood this. A number of years ago our country was fortunate enough to have several guys who decided they were not going to be governed by “those who are dumber.” They decided they could do a better job so George (Washington), Ben (Franklin), Tom (Jefferson), Alex (Hamilton) and many other very intelligent individuals set out to build a better system.
Over two hundred years later the system still works and has been the role model for numerous other countries. However, the system has a problem. That problem can be found the quote above. We have too many people who are content to be, as Plato states, “governed by those who are dumber.”
Too many people view our political system as corrupt. If it isn’t, it certainly gives the appearance of being corrupt! Personally, I think part of the problem is that too many people fail to understand that politics and democracy very often deals with compromises. Congress is made up of the Senate where every state gets two votes; and the House of Representatives where the number of votes is determined by population. The arrangement is the result of a compromise between the two alternatives.
How many of the people you know who are very intelligent, or even reasonably intelligent, are involved in politics at some level? I know a lot of pretty smart people and the closest they get to being involved in politics is voting.
I was recently in the state drivers facility renewing the plates for my vehicle. I was in line behind an individual who was renewing his drivers license. When asked, this individual knew that we wanted to be an organ donor and was given the appropriate paperwork. However, when asked if he wanted to register to vote he wasn’t sure and only agreed to register to vote at the prodding of his friend! By the way, that sound you are hearing is the sound of Plato and our founding fathers turning in their graves!
We’ve had some excitement in our local political arena because our current mayor has got himself into a little trouble. It seems he “borrowed” some city funds to visit a local gambling facility. According to his statements, he doesn’t think he has done anything wrong. However, a lot of people in the community appear to think otherwise.
What I find really amazing is that despite all of the public outcry about such inappropriate behavior is how little people are doing about it. To be sure, people are talking, complaining, and criticizing – this is politics after all! But I am not aware of any petitions to remove the man from office. I am not aware of anyone stepping up to run against him in the next election. I guess most people are “too smart to engage in politics.” They are too smart to get involved. Consequently, as Plato states, they are being “punished.”
Of course, I suppose I could be wrong. Maybe the reason no one is taking any action is because our Mayor is right and his actions of taking and gambling with government money isn’t really that wrong! I’m often wrong about a lot of things, but I don’t think this is one of them.
I don’t understand this apathy. What are we afraid of? The men who signed the Declaration of Independence were committing high treason. Why do we allow ourselves to be “punished” when the consequences of getting involved are so insignificant?
Now before anyone reading this jumps to an incorrect conclusion, let me make a few things very clear. First, I am NOT announcing my candidacy for Mayor. However, if someone steps up and I think they are worthy I’ll be happy to post a sign in my yard, stuff envelopes, and help organize rallies. I might even donate money! Second, I don’t think our current situation with our local mayor is the only incident of the citizens of this country being “punished” by “those who are dumber.” I use this incident as a readily available example. Finally, I don’t think that all politicians are dumb. I do believe that we have some individuals in government who are legitimately trying to do what they think is best for our cities, states, and country. Of course, I don’t always agree with them! But I also feel there are some political leaders who could best serve by stepping down!
For what its worth, do more than just wave a flag this fourth of July. If you truly want to celebrate our independence, if you truly want to honor the memory of our founding fathers, do something! Declare your independence from being “punished” by “those who are dumber.”
Have a happy and safe 4th of July!