Thursday, June 16, 2005

“It’s not what the book costs, it’s what the book costs if you don’t read it.” - Jim Rohn

I read recently that only 3% of our society has a library card. I find that statistic very disturbing. As incredible as it may seem, I do not doubt its accuracy. Think back to any conversation you overheard or were a part of recently. How many times did you hear people talk about a television show? How many times did you hear people talk about a book, or even an article, they read?

I spend a lot of my time reading. Don’t think that I spend hours and hours reading – even though I find the idea appealing! I try to read a couple of magazine articles every day. One of my goals for this year is to read at least a book a month. Even if I don’t reach my goal I am much better off than if I read nothing at all!

I have a friend who travels a lot as part of his job. He is never without some form of audio book. There is always a book on tape or book on CD around him. I have another friend who downloads audio books off the Internet then listens to them on his MP3 player. I’ve even borrowed a couple from him and listened to them while chasing the lawn mower around the yard.

As important as books are to read, I’ve found that some authors have websites. I am slowly accumulating a list of websites of favorite authors. These web sites usually have something of interest also.

A long time ago, I was told that successful people do things that unsuccessful people don’t do. For what it’s worth, I think that successful people read and unsuccessful people don’t read!

What do you think? Feel free to post your thoughts below!


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