Sunday, February 12, 2006

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Welcome to Amateur Night!

When I was in college I worked with a guy who had a well-deserved reputation as a party animal. When New Year’s rolled around I asked where he was going. He replied that he didn’t go out on New Year’s Eve because he called it “amateur night.” My friend explained that New Year’s Eve was the one night when everyone goes out – not the serious partiers. I guess I feel that way about Valentine’s Day.

Only the “amateur” romantics go all out for Valentine’s Day. The real romantics do all the Valentine stuff throughout the year. As my wife can tell you, I don’t do much for Valentine’s Day. However, I will make sure that she has flowers several times a year.

Speaking of flowers – try this: I just saw a “sale” price for a dozen long stemmed roses for $25. Take that same amount of money and see how many flowers you can get when it isn’t Valentine’s Day! Seriously, wait until all the roses from Valentine’s Day have wilted and then surprise your “significant other” with a fresh bouquet of daisies or carnations. I’ll bet you find you are well into fall before you run through the same $25 you spent on a dozen roses.

Back to the real topic: Amateur Night! If the events of September 11, taught us anything it should be that we never know when we will have the last opportunity to tell someone we care about them and how much they mean to us. Only a coward waits until February 14th!

My dad once told me that if I put flowers on his grave he would haunt me. His attitude is that it is a little late to tell him I care about him when he’s dead. I guess if you really care about someone you shouldn't wait until their gone to tell them. Growing up being exposed to that kind of mindset might explain why I view Valentine’s Day as Amateur Night!

I don’t get my wife big Valentine’s Day presents. I can’t wait that long. I will buy her flowers because it’ Thursday and she hasn’t had flowers on any Thursday this month!

For What Its Worth, if you care about someone, show or tell them every chance you get. You never know when you’ll never get another opportunity.

So indulge me while I repeat myself from an earlier posting:

“Although I conquer all the earth, yet for me there is only one city. In that city there is for me only one house, and in that house, one room only; And one woman sleeps there, the shining joy and jewel of all my kingdom.”

Anonymous, Ancient India

The first time I read it I knew exactly how the writer felt; all the world comes down to one person. That person was and still is Amy, my wife.

I still remember the first time I saw her. More than anything else I noticed her eyes and her smile. Those incredibly beautiful eyes whose soft gaze melts my soul and that magnificent smile. I still believe when she smiles all the angels in heaven smile with her.

I could go on for a very, very long time about what a wonderful person you will find hidden behind that veil of shyness. But I can tell you everything you need to know about her by telling you a brief story about what I believe will happen in the future.

One day God will call together all of his angels and discover that one is missing. Being THE Good Shepherd, just as it says in the Bible, he will leave the ninety-nine to go search for the missing one. When he finds this missing angel he will return her to the flock and there will be much rejoicing.

The world will be able to tell when this happens because when that happens, my wife will be taken from me and returned to her rightful home.

Happy Amateur Night Valentine’s Day!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day!

I am a fan of the movie, “Groundhog Day”. In case you are not familiar with the movie, Bill Murray’s character, Phil Conner, is stuck reliving the same day over and over again – Groundhog day.

Can you relate to the character in the movie, Phil Conner? Does it feel like you are reliving the same day over and over? Were you aware there is a word for this sensation? I’m not referring to the French word déjà vu. No, the word I am referring to is, “Rut”.

There are several tests you can use to determine if you are really stuck in a rut. Some testing methods tend to be more accurate than others. I believe one of the most accurate tests is to list your top problems and biggest worries. After you have completed your list go back and next to each item indicate how long you have had each problem and how long you have been worried about each item on your list. If you have had the same problems and worries for more than a year you are probably in a rut.

Now that you know you are in a rut, what do you do about it? Well there is always the superficial solution. This usually involves ordering something different than your usual at the restaurant where you go out to eat. If you survive the heartburn and indigestion, you can try a new route to work. You could get really crazy and even try listening to a different radio station on the way to work. But be careful doing these things because all the people in your life may start to call you a rebel!

Now if you seriously want to get out of a rut, you need to determine what it is you don’t like about it. Exactly what worries are wearing you down? Are you tired of never having enough money? Are you exhausted from worry that your next paycheck will come with a notice indicating there is no reason to come back on Monday - or ever? What are the problems you are biggest problems?

The next step is to determine how far you are willing to go to change. How hard are you willing to work to change the course of your life. I’m going to tell you right now that this isn’t going to be easy. One of the most basic laws of physics simply states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Changing course takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of work for days, weeks, and months.
You might be amazed at how the people closest to you appear to want you to stay in your rut. Your rut may be their source of comfort and security and people will do a lot to stay comfortable and secure. In fact, that is probably how you got into the rut you find yourself in today!
In order to break out of the rut you are in you are going to have to do things and go places that probably make you a little uncomfortable. You will have to continue even though many people around you are going to urge you to stop. In short, you are going to have to work! Unless you are really committed to making a change, you will probably find yourself right back in the same rut by the time you are looking for shade from the summer sun.

Breaking out of the rut you find yourself in means that you will not have to worry about the same things any longer. It means you will not have to continue to face the same problems again. It does NOT mean you will not have any worries or that you will NOT have any problems. Having problems is a part of life. What I’m saying is that you get to substitute your existing problems for different problems. After all, isn’t variety the spice of life? Really, instead of having to face the problem of not having any money, wouldn’t you rather have the problem of trying to decide where to invest all of your extra money or how much money to give to different charities?

I hope you can make it out of your rut. It isn’t easy, but I think you will find it is worth it.