Sunday, May 16, 2004

“Better shun the bait than struggle in the snare.”
- John Dryden

Not a week goes by that I don’t get some offer in the mail. Its not just any offer either; it’s a great offer! It usually goes something like this:

You can get ___ CDs/DVDs/Books for only ____.

Of course, buried in the small print is the fact that you are now obligated to buy either one of the above items a month or get stuck buying an item they unload on you instead. These offers are so enticing. The bait is so tempting. But it’s really a trap.

The same goes for credit cards with incredibly low introductory interest rates. The low interest rate sounds so enticing that you don’t notice the interest rate skyrockets to loan shark levels after the introductory period is over.

Recognize these offers for what they really are the bait for a trap. If you really stop to think about it, you know it’s a trap. Most of us know that if an offer sounds too good to be true it usually is. However, I find that most people I know get one of these unbelievable offers about every other day. The reason we get so many is because the bait works. Every day people are lured into these traps.

For what its worth, try doing what I do; see how quickly you can tear up and throw away the bait. Look at it only long enough to see it for what it is and then see how quickly you can destroy it before it hooks you!

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