"Refuse to criticize, condemn, or complain. Instead, think and talk only about the things you really want." -- Brian Tracy
I know quite a few people who if kept from criticizing, condemning and complaining, probably wouldn’t have anything to talk about – not even the weather! Doesn’t that strike you as just a little sad?
Why do we allow our selves to focus so much on the negative? Why is it so easy to get stuck on these negative things in our lives?
Recently, I found myself talking with a group of people about a problem. One person joined the group with a positive outlook and attitude. As soon as that person left the group, the group had changed a little.
Unfortunately, it was not a change for the better! Instead of limiting themselves to complaining about the current problem/situation, they now added to their discussion how the person with the positive attitude obviously, “just doesn’t understand.” This situation just reminded me again how often people with a positive attitude and outlook are often thought to be stupid or lacking understanding. After that, I quickly excused myself from the group.
I’ve been trying to maintain a positive dialog with myself and other people and it isn’t always easy. But I find the less time I spend criticizing and complaining it leaves me with more time to talk about answers and solutions.
For what its worth, I challenge you to go an entire day without criticizing or complaining and see how you do.
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