Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember – the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.
-Zig Ziglar
For almost every accomplishment that I am proud of, there has been a critic. There is almost nothing about any of my accomplishments that someone has found a fault with.
It took too long
It should be neater
Its too (narrow/wide, tall/short, bright/dull)
Anyone could do that
These criticisms probably would not have bothered me very much if I wasn’t so proud of them. But after hearing enough of these comments I start to doubt my justification in being proud of my accomplishment. Maybe I had too much of myself invested in the accomplishment. Maybe they are right.
Then I found this quote and I began to realize that most of my critics have had a common characteristic. They were very good at criticizing things they had never done or participated in. People who had never even attempted anything that I had actually accomplished were criticizing my accomplishment!
For what its worth, I now ignore most of my critics, because I know they are getting the only the only taste of success they will get.
It isn't always easy, but I'm learning that I should feel sad for these individuals, not be upset with them. For what its worth, I'll probably be criticized for this too!
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