Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The future is purchased by the present

I have long held to the belief that tomorrow begins today. I try to use today to setup for the things I want to accomplish tomorrow.

I often practice this in small ways. As an example, I usually set out my clothes for work the night before. That way the next morning I don’t waste any time deciding and picking out clothes if I happen to be running behind.

Usually, the last thing I do at work is set out the first thing I need to work on the next day. When I come to work the next day the first thing I need to do is right in front of me. I don’t spend a lot of time trying to determine what I should do first, or next!

These are, of course, small examples. However, even great things start small. Taking one class a semester will eventually lead to a degree. But you can only get that degree in the future by taking the class today.

Where is it you want to be in the future? Take that first step today! It doesn’t have to be a huge step, a small step is all that is needed.

For what its worth, remember you are purchasing your future today.


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