Wednesday, July 28, 2004

“Democracy is like love it can withstand anything except neglect.” – Unknown
Okay everyone get ready because here comes my big political speech. I am about to unleash my not so hidden political agenda.

Here it is…VOTE!

I really don’t care if you vote for the Democratic or Republican party, the Green party or the Independent party – just vote. I like to use the term “communist” to describe people who don’t vote. In my opinion, if you don’t vote you have officially refused your right to comment positively or negatively about our government or its leaders.

I am currently reading “Stupid White Men” by Michael Moore. I have to admit that I feel I absolutely must agree with one statement Mr. Moore makes in this book. Starting on page twenty-five and continuing through page twenty-eight the point is really pretty clear. You must get involved in politics!

A good way to start getting involved would be to vote! Better yet, become an informed voter. Do a little research about the people you are going to vote for. Read as many articles and books about the candidates and the issues as you can. Find people you respect and ask them what they think (and why they think that way!) about issues and candidates.

It strikes me as very, very sad that a country that was formed, in part, because of the injustice of “taxation without representation,” has changed into a country where a substantial portion of our population doesn’t even bother to vote!

For what its worth, remember the words of Abraham Lincoln about this being a government, “for the people, of the people, by the people,” and vote!



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