An Interesting Experiment
I recently completed a 36-hour long period of no television. It was really kind of exciting.
I went for a walk. I got some fresh air and exercise instead of sitting and vegetating in front of a TV breathing stale air.
I finished one book and started reading another.
I slept. I slept instead of staying up too late watching a rerun of a show I had seen a dozen times before.
I kept up with the news through a newspaper and in a few minutes knew enough about what was happening in the world to be conversant about current events instead of spending the usual 30 minutes or more being bombarded with advertising.
The really interesting thing is that I came away from the experience feeling exhilarated. After spending a complete day “unplugged” from the television I found television not only less appealing, but more revulsive than I had anticipated.
That was a little over a week ago. In the last week, I have found myself watching even less television than before. I don’t even bother to watch the weather channel to get the weather forecast anymore because I can log on to one of three different web sites and get the same information faster via the Internet with only a fraction of the invasive advertising.
When was the last time you went more than a day without watching any television?
For what its worth, you really ought to try it!
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