"The joy of life consists in the exercise of one’s energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience." — Alister Crowley
Personally, I think that life is something to be lived every single day. Alister Crowley seems to be of this opinion as well. Unfortunately, this idea that life is to be lived appears to be more and more removed from every day life for many people. I hope that no one reading this finds themselves in group of people who have made themselves very comfortable in their little rut.
Life is about exercising your energies – its about doing. Do something! I am amazed at the number of people who don’t really seem to have any hobby except watching television. Doesn’t anyone do anything anymore? Don’t just sit there and vegetate in front of the television! Seriously and objectively watch what you see on television. Is what you see educational? Is what you see really informative, or just telling you what you should be thinking?
What are you doing to grow? Right now make a list of all the things you have done to grow as a person, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
When was the last time you actually did something about “getting into shape” other than just talk about doing it?
When was the last time you read a book? I’m even willing to let you include any book you have read to your children. I am willing to let you include this because there are so many children who have never had an adult read to them. Did you know that one of the tests for school readiness includes handing a child a book to see if they know how to hold a book so they can “read” it? Its true – I can’t make up stuff like this!
When was the last time you sat down and had a real meaningful conversation with someone you care about? Can you remember the last conversation you had with someone that didn’t require you to have to talk over the radio or television, or a video game?
What have you done to move yourself outside of your “comfort zone”?
How does your list look? What have you been doing? How have you grown? Do you find your list a little depressing? Personally, I find my list depressing - and I have an answer for every question. The reason I’m depressed is because I still don’t think my answers are good enough.
For what its worth, I want you to honestly question your answers to these questions. I want you to get up and do something. I want you to “exercise your energies” and grow and make yourself a better person.
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