“…Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”
- Abraham Lincoln
Well election day has come and gone so please forgive me as I rant a little about politics in general.
Please understand that I don’t really care who you voted for (or against!) as long as you voted. I have made myself very unpopular with several people because I refer to people who don’t vote as “Communist Subversives.” Each person who does not vote, fails to understand the importance of being involved in a democracy. Each person who doesn’t vote is driving their own personal nail into the coffin of democracy. If you don’t vote you are part of the problem. I’m not sure when it became acceptable to not vote, but let me assure you abstinence is not a viable option in a democracy.
As far as I am concerned, people who do not vote do not have the right to condemn, criticize, complain, commend, or offer any type of commentary about any publicly elected official or their policies. Your silence automatically extends from the ballot box to any type of forum for discussion of politics.
Now, I have friends who are both sides of the political fence. I don’t always agree with them, their opinions of politics, and some of the major issues. However, we are still friends because we understand that there are some issues we view differently. Those differences make us individuals, not mortal enemies.
The great French writer, Voltaire said it best, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Unfortunately, that sentiment was often lost in the last election by people who are so adamant about their position/party/candidate that they will not listen a dissenting opinion. Too often I heard discussions and arguments that smacked of the sentiment, “if you’re not with us, you’re against us.”
So often I wanted to remind these people of the guaranteed right of free speech and clarify that freedom of speech does not guarantee freedom from being offended. In fact, I hope you get offended. I hope you get upset that I called you a ‘Communist Subversive’ because you didn’t vote.
For what its worth, I hope you get upset enough to actually do something about it – like maybe vote in the next election!
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