“The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself.” – Rita Mae Brown
Why do we as human beings spend so much of our time trying to be just like everyone else? Why do we have this obsession?
Do we have this obsession in hopes of having people like us? Why is the idea that people can like us for being ourselves so ludicrous?
God took the time to make us unique and different – right down to your fingerprint. God gave each of us gifts to share with the world. What’s more, we have all been given a unique way to use our special gifts.
Why are we so willing to sacrifice our individuality to be a cheap copy of what someone else thinks we should be? I don’t know why.
I do know that at every opportunity I try to impress upon my children that different is good. I try to impress on their young minds the idea that different does not equal bad. It isn’t an easy thing to do. For every attempt I make to teach them that different is good, society showers them with the same message in a dozen different ways – conform, conform, conform.
For what its worth just remember, different is good!
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